When it comes to pupils’ welfare in environments like schools, allergies play a big part, no matter their nature, as they can be extremely dangerous: between 2013 & 2019, England saw a 72% rise in the number of hospital admissions for children caused by anaphylaxis. Allergies come in different disguises, but food allergies are probably the most prominent type in young children, with almost 1 in 12 suffering from at least one food allergy. Pupils’ allergy information is something school staff should be aware and very conscious of, especially when it comes to lunchtime in the canteen.
Where do you keep food allergy information?
Apart from making sure your kitchen staff comply with the adequate rules to handle foods with specific allergens and to avoid cross-contamination, you should also keep children’s allergy information safe where it’s accessible by other staff members. However, this can’t be a messy drawer or lost in a folder.
Your online payments platform is the perfect place to store this information, not only because it’s easy to find and access, but also because it serves as a reminder for teachers and staff. On T2P Payments, this information gets pulled automatically if you use SIMS, and if you use any other MIS provider, you can add an allergy automatically onto a pupil’s profile, where it will be easily identifiable through an image next to the pupil’s name.
Online Menus
If pupils select their meals in the classroom, teachers need to be aware of any dietary requirements before they submit their order. T2P Payments makes this possible by providing a report through the Cashless Catering till, with a component all about pupils’ allergy information. Furthermore, each meal displays its allergens – if applicable – for both parents and teachers to see before selecting it, both on the online system and the app.
School Trips
If you are taking your pupils on a school trip where food will be served, you should definitely be aware of any allergy information, especially if the food isn’t provided by your school. The best way to manage food choices, allergens, and payment in advance is using our Forms and Payments together. Sending out a single digital form saves you from reaching out to parents and guardians multiple times; with just one form, you can get them to give consent for the trip, provide their children’s dietary requirements, pick their preferred meal options, send over their payment, and provide an e-signature as a confirmation. This process would make it so much easier to manage your school trip whilst keeping your pupils safe from any allergy risks!
Keep your canteen safe
It’s important to take all the necessary measures to ensure that your canteen is kept safe and your lunch time runs smoothly every single day. Add Payments to your communications subscription on T2P to manage school meals and dietary requirements seamlessly, and try our Forms module for more easy admin task management. Book a demo with our team today.