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What school type are you?

Primary / Key Stage 1 & 2

Explore in depth how Teachers2Parents is suited to improve parental engagement and communication facilities in your Primary School, Middle School, First School, Pre-Prep School, Infant School or Junior School.

Your solutions
Secondary / Key Stage 3 & 4

Take a look at how Teachers2Parents is the perfect communications solution for a Secondary School, a Grammar School or a Senior School. Our services provide something for everyone.

Your solutions
Multi-Academy Trust

Multi-Academy Trusts are centralising communications facilities to save admin time and reduce costs by modernising their facilities and switching universally to Teachers2Parents. Find out more about our services for MATs.

Your solutions
Nursery / Key Stage 1

Find out how Nurseries are using Teachers2Parents to improve their communication facilities and easily reach parents quickly and easily. Our intuitive systems are simple to understand and popular with the parents of children of all ages.

Your solutions

I’m a Parent/Guardian


Click the link at the top of this page to log in to Teachers2Parents. Remember to contact your school directly should you need answers to specific questions or support.

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Looking to improve parental engagement?

Virtual Parents’ Evening Service

A market-leading virtual parents’ evening system built specifically for schools to ensure security and reliability. Teachers2Parents offer a state-of-the-art solution, with integrated meeting scheduling and countdown timers.

Learn more
Forms & Data Collection

Teachers2Parents Forms is the easy way for your school to build and customise online forms to send to students, parents, guardians and staff in minutes. Keep track of exactly who has responded and who you still need to hear from.

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Email to Parents

Reach all branches of the school family tree with an easy to use and efficient school email service. Preprogrammed and effective, Teachers2Parents Email has limitless utility and streamlines your communications through manageable groups.

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Texts to Parents

Teachers2Parents text message service is a market-leading solution with limitless utility, saving time and hassle for school staff and teachers. Built specifically for schools, rapidly reach parents on multiple mobile numbers without limitaiton.

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Free Resource

Curious to learn more?


Get started with Teachers2Parents and improve your communication strategy, data collection and virtual parents’ evening booking process.

Teachers2Parents School Communications Guide

Join 5,000+ Schools

Leading schools use Teacher2Parents to build a strong connection
between staff and parents.

“It became clear quickly that all of your products work essentially in the same way. This meant that parents found the kit easy to use and picked it up quickly. As a school, we were delighted by the feedback we received and we feel confident when setting up new parents every September.”

Millennium Integrated Primary School

“Previously Parents Evening was a difficult event to organise and included a lot of admin work. This system allows the school to set up a parents evening online so that parents can book their slot to suit themselves and the school can print off a report of the times and names. It’s a great system which helps to streamline this task so that it’s quicker and a more efficient process.”

Willowbrook Primary School

John Bramston Primary School were very happy to add Teachers2Parents to their school toolkit, enabling “office efficiencies to progress in a smooth and calm way”. Already being SchoolMoney customers, they were able to find synergies between the two, meaning Teachers2Parents’ addition was harmonious and consistent.

John Bramston Primary School

“We also use SchoolMoney and have become almost cash-free, reducing the need to prepare cash for banking and taking it to the bank. It is also more secure and easy to follow up debts. The facility for parents to approve a trip whilst making a payment has further reduced the amount of paper we use.”

St Peter’s London Docks

“Now, with very minimal setting up, we send out invitations at a click of a button and literally watch the bookings come in. Our percentage of parents booking has jumped up dramatically.”

Underhill School and Children’s Centre

Teachers2Parents for your school

A market-leading communications system for
Primary Schools / Key Stage 1&2

All under one roof

Bring your text, email, parents’ evening, and data collection services all under the same simple system.

Easy set-up

Easier reconciliation – all parental communication can be managed in just a few clicks.

Tried & Trusted

Proven to improve parental communication, extremely simple to use and super effective for primary schools.

school forms

Book a consultation
with our team today!

A member of our friendly team will run you through
the system in a live demonstration and answer any questions
you might have.