The Context
Millennium Integrated Primary School prides itself on its positive commitment to high-quality, integrated, all-ability and inclusive child-centred education which includes a commitment to equality of opportunity and working in partnership with governors, teachers, parents and the local community.
Millennium Primary was struggling to improve parental engagement due to the fact that they were using a series of different providers when organising parents’ evenings, receiving payments and sending messages/emails. The result of this was that parents found it challenging to navigate the various pieces of software, causing frustration and disturbance.
Solutions & Next Steps
By introducing SchoolMoney and Teachers2Parents, Millennium was able to streamline their parents’ daily tasks, especially as the systems work in the same way.
“This consistency is extremely useful for parents, as they can intuitively access communications and make vital school payments easily”
The Teachers2Parents school app can bring parents and schools closer, opening channels of communication with home and offering a space to purchase supplies, pay for trips, book onto clubs and give consent at the click of a button. “The impact was almost instant, parents suddenly felt closer to teachers than ever before.”
“It became clear quickly that all of your products work essentially in the same way. This meant that parents found the kit easy to use and picked it up quickly. As a school, we were delighted by the feedback we received and we feel confident when setting up new parents every September”